Supporter spotlight: For Flocks Sake
For Flocks Sake is for sheep producers who want to make every ewe a winner. Unlike other consultants we are veterinary based and thrive on making our advice relatable and easy to understand. We are a unique consultancy firm that encompasses all sheep production aspects from conception to consumption. For Flocks Sake assesses where your sheep production is now and identifies how you can get to where you want to be in the future.
For Flocks Sake is owned and managed by Dr Tim Gole BVSc MANZCVS (Sheep Medicine). With over fourteen years of veterinary experience, Tim combines his knowledge from the field with his university and professional training.
We provide easy frameworks and technical and advisory services to maximise your outcomes.
About Tim Gole: Tim Graduated from the university of Queensland in 2006. He has completed his membership with the Australian and New Zealand College of veterinary Scientists in Sheep medicine and achieved a graduate certificate in Agribusiness.
Having worked in England and Scotland as well as across Queensland and NSW from Cloncurry to Finlay, Tims second most proudest achievement was being a cofounder of the Western Rivers Veterinary Group in Warren and Nyngan 2013 and the North Australian Veterinary Group. Combined these vet business provided production animal services and medicine across 4 states.
Seeing a great opportunity and need in the Sheep industry for a specialised veterinary based sheep production services business Tim sold his business interests and founded For Flocks Sake Pty Ltd dedicated to educating and assisting producerrs grow their best sheep.
The foundation of a thriving specialised sheep business is now no 1 in proudest achievements
PWS Stud Semen & Ram Sale
For Flocks Sake have kindly donated to our fundraiser 40 pre joining ram exams valued at $1120 (exc all lab and travel fees)
The PWS Stud Semen & Ram Sale will be held Tuesday 30th August 9am – Friday 2nd September 4pm. Made possible by our event sponsor AuctionsPlus
Keen to find out more on For Flocks Sake?
For more information on For Flocks Sake head to their website or Facebook via the links below: