Supporter spotlight: Pastora Poll Merino
Pastora Poll Merinos are located at Lockhart, in southern NSW and are one of the largest suppliers of poll Merino rams in NSW.
Pastora runs 5000 stud ewes on 3800ha, with soils ranging from clay plains country to rising red loam. Annual rainfall is around 425mm or 17 inches.
Pastora is managed at maximum stocking rates, with stud ewes run under commercial conditions. No self-feeders or supplements are provided and this is designed to emulate commercial management practices. Tim and Rachel Westblade consider this an important factor in the maintenance and stud selection process. Maintenance feeding by trail is used during tough times.
Pastora sheep are good converters of pasture into wool and meat and do not require extra feed to be productive.
Ram Sale: Wednesday 7th September
The Pastora Poll on property ram auction is approaching fast!
On Wednesday September 7th, 2022, 100+ rams will go under the hammer, followed by private ram sales in the preceding days.
The Pastora team, are looking forward to opening their property to their existing buyers as well as new potential buyers.
For those who choose not to buy on the auction day, there will be the normal run of grade rams available for private selection.
PWS Stud Semen & Ram Sale
Pastora Poll Merinos have kindly donated a ram voucher, valued at $2,500.
The PWS Stud Semen & Ram Sale will be held Tuesday 30th August 9am – Friday 2nd September 4pm. Made possible by our event sponsor AuctionsPlus
Keen to find out more on Pastora Poll Merinos?
For more information on Pastora Poll Merinos head to their website or Facebook via the links below: