Supporter spotlight: Woodpark Poll Merino
Poll Merinos: a Woodpark specialty
When we started breeding Poll Merinos in the early 1980s we were in a minority. The Merino rams and commercial flocks were highly regarded, sought after in sale yards and the wools were known for their softness, quality and style.
Owen Huggins had a vision of an easy care flock which would carry on the wool quality and lambing percentages of the highly fertile Woodpark Merinos. He aimed to breed a poll which would be low maintenance and low cost to run, and would repay its producers with less hassle, a streamlined frame which delivered high fertility and a productive balances animal with options.
The longevity of the Poll Merino breeding program at Woodpark means there has been no haste – our breeding toward the sheep with such balance we see today has been a measured process of gradually developing an uncomplicated skin type. Today the sheep have a very mobile skin on a body with depth and carcase. The transition to this plainer body has been made without sacrificing the crucial fleece attributes of weight and quality. With their mobile, high fibre population sin, the characteristics that deliver soft, good processing wools with excellent fleece weight.
The Poll Merino Stud’s breeding program uses a mic of visual appraisal and objective measurement in making selection decisions. We have a long-standing commitment to breeding the sheep for a modern market – soft, fine/medium, well nourished wool on a productive sheep with a fertile mother.
The 4000 head stud and commercial Poll Merino flock is run on 28,000 acres of native Riverina grasses and bush country at the Huggins’ family’s “Eurolie” Hay.
Ram sale: Monday 25th September
Bidding in person or via AuctionsPlus.
In the weeks following the auction 800 rams will also be available for private selection.
PWS Stud Semen & Ram Sale
Woodpark Poll Merino have kindly donated a $2500 voucher to be used for the purchase of Semen or an Auction Ram.
The PWS Stud Semen & Ram Sale will be held Tuesday 29th August 9am – Thursday 31st August 7.30pm. Made possible by our event sponsor AuctionsPlus
Keen to find out more on Woodpark Poll Merino?
For more information on Woodpark Poll Merino head to their website or Facebook via the links below: